
Sunday, October 19, 2014

How to Prepare Live Sea Urchin

I scored a live sea urchin at HMart the other day and decided that it was time for me to rise up to the challenge of preparing live sea urchin.  I have seen the guy at the farmer's market do it, it seemed doable.  Turns out, it's very doable.
Step 1: Pick out a live sea urchin.
Step 2: Don a pair of gloves and find a pair of sturdy kitchen shears with a sharp point.
Step 3: Flip the sea urchin so that the closed opening side is up. That is the mouth.
Step 4: Carefully make a small crack near the mouth.  The shell will be hard, but is just about twice the thickness of an eggshell.  It won't take much to crack.  Cut a circle around the mouth to remove it.  
Step 5: Cut a slit in between each of the sections of golden uni tongues.
Step 6: Carefully peel off/cut away what if left of the top of the shell without nicking the uni tongues.
Step 7: Drain away the liquid inside.
Step 8: Carefully remove as much of the slimy black membrane as you could without nicking the uni tongues.  I tried using chopsticks for this, but it was too slippery.  Bare fingers work better.  Though it stains your fingers, a good scrubbing with some dish soap got most of it off.
Step 9: Use a spoon to carefully remove the uni tongues from the shell and peel away any remaining black membrane still stuck on the tongues. rinse under a gentle stream of cold water.
Step 10: Enjoy immediately.
Stuff this good is best treated with simplicity.
I opted for draping two tongues over sushi rice with strips of nori, a small Uni Don as my appetizer.  
The rest of the tongues, I made a simple Uni Pasta as my main course.

Uni Don

Uni Don
1/4 cup cooked sushi rice, slightly cooled
1 tbsp rice vinegar
pinch of sugar
2 tongues of uni
4 strips of nori

Mix the rice vinegar with the sugar in a bowl until dissolved.  Mix in sushi rice.  Top with uni and nori strips.

Uni Pasta

Uni Pasta
3 tongues of uni
1 tbsp olive oil
1 serving of hot, cooked linguine, fettuccine or spaghetti
1 tbsp of flat leaf parsley
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
sea salt, to taste

Whisk uni and olive oil together in a bowl until liquified and blended.  Toss in pasta, parsley, lemon juice and sea salt.

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