
Friday, September 11, 2015

Cool Tip #1

Note: This post is technically not food-related, but I did utilize my kitchen...

Does anyone remember a heat wave in which the temperature at night is just as high as during the day? Two nights ago, I walked outside at around 9pm and it was still sweltering hot. I couldn't believe my eyes when I checked my weather app. It was 90 degrees F nearly 2 hours after the sun had set.
That's also when I had this epiphany which I will share with you. 
  1. I put an old cotton sundress in a large plastic food container and stuck it in the fridge. 
  2. The next day, I came home from work and changed into my nice chilled dress.  
Ahhhh... It only lasted about 15 seconds, but the instant relief helped alleviate the ickiness of walking into my apartment that had been baking all day long. 
Yes, the freezer would have obviously provide quicker results, but mine is full of frozen homemade stock. 

I'm ready for winter (okay, San Diego "winter") so that I can enjoy some homemade ramen.

Stay cool, San Diego! Stay cool...

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